Gus Wettenhall
Message from the PrincipalWe implement a contemporary approach to teaching and learning offering all students a curriculum that aligns with best practice from around the world. The Contemporary Learning Experience is the framework that underpins the teaching and learning opportunities RHCS students engage in on a daily basis. The CLE is characterised by learning that is
- Contextually Relevant
- Student Centred
- Question Driven
- Skills Based
- Technology Enriched.Each year, students at Red Hill Consolidated School investigate four inquiry based Learning Explorations; World Views, Human Endeavour, Discovery, Exploration & Innovation, Understanding Ourselves and Sustainability Matters.
Our dedicated Red Hill Consolidated staff have a passionate commitment to developing high quality literacy and numeracy skills for all students, supported by a talented educational support team.
In addition to the delivery of a comprehensive curriculum our specialist subjects including Science, Music, Visual Arts, Physical Education and Japanese. Extra-curricular opportunities including a school choir, school bands, private music tuition, a year 6 circus performance, community art projects, inter school sports including cross country, swimming and athletics, Japanese days, harmony days, a senior school science fair, pottery skills and junior school performances are offered to our students throughout the year.
At present RHCS has strongly articulated values of Respect, Responsibility, Resilience and Empathy. These values are consistently highlighted, rewarded and celebrated when demonstrated by all members of our school community. We are very proud of our students, who are supportive of one another and respectful to teachers and all visitors to our school.
There has always been a strong relationship between the school, its students and the community. This relationship is clearly demonstrated by the enthusiastic, ongoing support from our parent body. We have a high performing hands-on School Council, a large number of classroom helpers and a high level of volunteers for events such as Art Red Hill, Canteen, Sports Days, Camps, Excursions, Concerts, Productions and the swimming program.
Red Hill Consolidated School is an excellent environment for young people to strive for and hold to the best!
Warm Regards
Gus Wettenhall