

Volunteering at RHCS

Parent volunteers are essential for the fund raising efforts required by Red Hill Consolidated to maintain and upgrade the school grounds and facilities. And volunteering has so many upsides!~

Benefits for kids:

  • If you’re involved in some way at the school, research shows that your child will do better regardless of ethnicity,, socioeconomic status, or your level of education level – just being present will improve things for your child.
  • Your child will have better self-esteem and motivation if you’re involved.
  • If it’s a team sport, your child will be more engaged and committed to the team if you’re part of it.
  • Your child’s feelings of safety and security will improve knowing that you are close by.

Benefits for parents:

  • You’ll make your child proud – they love having you there.
  • You’ll get to know your child’s teacher and understand their teaching methods, enabling a more consistent approach with your child’s school work in the home.
  • You’ll get to know the community of parents and feel part of something great.
  • You’ll get to know your child’s friends – invaluable once you hit the tougher years.

How You Can Help:

We understand that everyone has commitments and most are time-poor. But if every parent offered even an hour of their time each year then we wouldn’t risk ‘volunteer burnout’. All parent helpers must have and present a current WWC (Working with Children) card to the office on arrival.
Here are some ways you can help:

  • Act as a classroom helpers
  • Assist with reading
  • Chaperone excursions and school camps
  • Volunteer at sporting events such as swimming, athletics and cross country
  • Help at working bees
  • Join our school council